You’ve finally made the move over to artificial grass — no more trudging up and down the garden cutting the grass every week! However, a little light maintenance once a month can save you more time and trouble than none at all. Not only will it keep your lawn looking brand new for longer, it will also extend the lifespan of the grass — and of course, makes it much safer for children and pets.
Contrary to popular belief, you won’t have to clean your artificial grass every day. Rainwater will wash away most surface dirt. However, we do recommend that you hose the turf once a week or once every other week to keep it looking its best.
Brushing artificial grass
-Lightly brush your new turf on a regular basis (once a week or every other week) to remove any leaves or twigs — but remember to go gently, as if you use too much force you could end up misshaping the turf.
-The best brush for the job is a medium, soft bristle brush, which will be gentle enough on the grass while still doing its work.
-Brush the grass in the opposite direction of the artificial fibres.
How to remove stubborn stains from artificial grass
We’ve all been there — you’ve spilt tea, wine or ketchup — but how do you clean artificial grass? We’re here to help!
-Act quickly — and remove as much of the spillage as possible before it begins to harden.
-Soak up any liquids with a clean cloth, kitchen towel or (if you have some to hand) cat litter — all of these will absorb any liquid.
-If there is still a mark, mix a small amount of washing up liquid and lukewarm water together. Apply with a synthetic bristled brush or a clean cloth or sponge.
-Work the solution in between and around the stained fibres. Rinse the area thoroughly with water from a garden hose or watering can.
-If the spillage has hardened, you may need to carefully remove it using either a plastic spatula or plastic knife. You could also try using a toothbrush to gently brush the stain away.